Exalted Harbinger Insane Dmg

Exalted Harbinger Insane Dmg Rating: 5,9/10 1220 reviews

Warframe orange crit damage. The new Bringer of Rain helmet released with that patch. It granted insane APS and DPS but allowed passives to go into life and so the Dual Striker Leech tank was finally born. It was as in the event the helm was made just for that horrible but entertaining ability gem.

  • Sep 21, 2017  POE 3.0 Templar Build Iron Pumping Zombies: A Guardian Summoner Build. Important Notice: The unique item that makes this build so great (the Baron) currently costs 4 exalted in the harbinger league. If you’re poor like me I’d suggest either using another character to make currency or playing a standard witch necromancer instead.
  • Complete list of all D&D spells, rulebooks, feats, classes and more!
Be prepared to see something ugly after regal, like t3 flat fire damage and many others (or actually all others, except very few). I saw tyrranical in every possible combination until I got this in essence:

Now I feel much older and I don't smile as often, crafting is tough buisness.
'No one said, this going to be easy' Tora, master of bow.

Holy balls, had they not removed hybrid %/acc from Tora youd be looking at a 150 exalt monster there.
Posted by
on Feb 1, 2017, 9:28:41 PM
I picked up a magic harbinger with these stats.
Got me thinking, what exactly is the best way to craft the best bow possible..

The best way is to not craft at all! I'm serious - these days without eternal orbs it is just impossible if you don't have unlimited wealth to spend. That one affix means NOTHING!
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: 'Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team.'
top2000: 'let me bend your rear for a moment exile'
Posted by
on Feb 1, 2017, 10:49:35 PM
I somehow did not know that if there's a prefix on an item, you can't aug anything but a suffix.
How did I not know this?
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2017, 3:40:38 AM
Great info!
So for the first three rolls, what i am looking for is
1. use orb of alt to get 150+ increased physical damage %
2. then use aug to get high flat phys (30-60+)
3. use regal orb to hopefully get something useful like crit mult crit chance attack speed or elemental flat dmg
4. use exalted and get something useful like i mentioned in #3
Then find master craftsman to fill in blanks?
Does that sound about right? Also, just for discussion sake, this is for breach softcore. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

You can't get flat phys and % increased physical damage rolls on a magic weapon as they are both prefixes.
Ideal roll would be high attack speed or crit chance
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2017, 3:43:20 AM
I will tell you how to craft a near perfect phy bow.
First we need to understand that an item can have 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes.
For a bow, its prefixes can roll:
Adds # - # Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage / +# to Accuracy Rating
+# to Level of Socketed Gems
+# to Level of Socketed Bow Gems
#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
#% increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
Adds # - # Cold Damage
Adds # - # Fire Damage
Adds # - # Lightning Damage
Adds # - # Chaos Damage

And we are only looking for:
1. # - # Physical Damage
2. #% increased Physical Damage
3. #% increased Physical Damage / +# to Accuracy Rating
For suffixes, ideally we are looking for:
1. #% increased Attack Speed
2. #% increased Critical Strike Chance
3. #% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Now, there are three stages in crafting a near mirror worthy bow.
The first stage is rolling the item with alteration orbs.
At this stage, you simply roll the bow (ilvl 83) with alteration orbs until you hit a tier one prefix. And ideally, you want the prefix to be either:
# - # Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
since they have more tiers than the hybrid phy mod.
At the first stage, it doesn't matter how you roll the suffix. And when you have a tier one roll on prefix but don't have the suffix mod, please remember to use an augmentation orb to roll a suffix. Again, it doesn't matter what the suffix roll is.
Now let's move to the second stage.
At this stage, we simply regal the bow and HOPE it rolls another tier one prefix. And ideally, we want the prefix roll to be either:
# - # Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
If the regal orb gives the bow a suffix, we scour the bow and start over.
If the regal orb gives the bow a prefix which is not what we are going for, we start over.
If the regal orb gives the bow the prefix we want but shitty tier, we start over.
If the regal orb gives the bow the hybrid phy mod, we still kind of want to start over since when we are actually using the exalted orbs, we'll have less chance of hitting the 3rd physical damage mod.
We might keep the bow if we get a tier 2 either:
# - # Physical Damage
#% increased Physical Damage
Now, we have the bow with two tier one prefixes (or one t1 and one t2) and one random suffix. It is time we use exalted orbs. But first, craft dexterity (master craft) onto the bow because we don't ever want the bow to roll that mod.
Exalt the fucker now.
DING!! You rolled a prefix that is not phy dmg mod. RIP. Start over please.
DING!! You rolled a 3rd phy dmg mod but SHIITY tier. RIP. Start over please.
DING!! You rolled a shitty prefix. RIP. Start over please.
After countless alteration orbs, regal orbs, and maybe 60-100 exalted orbs spent,
Is the nightmare over yet? NAHHHH----MUMMMM
There is still a secret 4th stage I forgot to mention.
Remember the bow now has 3 t1 prefixes and one crafting suffix and maybe some other suffix. We now remove the crafting suffix on a crafting bench and apply 'Prefixes can not be changed' meta crafting mod and it's only TWO exalts a pop. CHEAP, right? (trust me, it is cheap if you ever get a 3 t1 prefix bow)
Now we apply scouring orb on the bow, BOOM, all the suffixes are gone only 3 t1 prefixes stay. (be sure to not shift-click twice tho LUL)
It is EXALTS TIME again!! Master craft dex on the bow first then yolo exalts until you have two desired suffixes. Then remove the dex and master craft crit multi.
Rinse and repeat the secret 4th stage.

Or you could just chaos spam.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2017, 5:13:33 AM
Exalted harbinger insane dmg 3

Exalted Harbinger Insane Dmg 3

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Exalted Harbinger Insane Dmg Build

Mar 03, 2018  Stable Weapon: Stable self-damage for 5th skill (eg. 700), but less dmg on crits. (RECOMMENDED) Unstable Weapon: Can get up to 500-1k self-damage, but you get high crits and heals. If you do the same this'll take you pretty fast to exalted. And by this way with Ragnaros always waiting you at the end of the raid you won't have to wait for the raid to restart with the new week, once you hit 20999 from the trash, just finish the raid with Raggy and here you are, exalted with Hydraxian Waterlords:). Only those with an undying (and somewhat insane) dedication to the legion Undead Legion are worthy of becoming Thanatos. Does 50% more damage to humans. Notes: Male and Female look the same. This armor has a 0.01% drop rate. During the 2013 holiday season, the drop rate was temporarily increased to 10%. 'Harbinger' focuses on psiots - people born with psychic abilities. These can range from the obvious, like mind-reading, to totally insane powers, like those possessed by Animalia, a psiot who can turn into cartoon animals. The comic series from which it is based follows the world's two most powerful psiots.