Mobaffire Attack Dmg Bard

Mobaffire Attack Dmg Bard Rating: 9,0/10 3699 reviews
Yep you cant use standard moves for chasing, it's too predictable. I suggest rolling for random gain/loss distances (I like 3d10), worked well for me.
  1. Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard 2
  2. Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard Download
I like the 2nd edition rules. Modified for 5E:

The best way to be a tanky Valor Bard is to leverage your Extra Attack and Expertise to be the Strongest Man in the world. To wit, you have advantage to attack prone enemies, and they have disadvantage to attack you, so your goal is to ensure that only prone enemies ever get to attack you. Create, share and discuss strategy builds for the multi-player online battle arena, League of Legends. Fans can create team builds, champion guides, strategy guides, theories and rune builds. Start sharing your favorite League of Legends strategy now!

When moving in a near-straight line (i.e. chase situation), you can use your action to make a special Dash called a Sprint, which comes in multiple levels.
Sprint 1: make a single DC 10 Str (Athletics) check to double your Dash bonus distance this round (so you'd move 90' total instead of 60'). At the end of this round, make a DC 10 Con (Athletics) check to avoid taking one level of fatigue temporarily (goes away next short rest).
Sprint 2: make a DC 10 Str (Athletics) check and a DC 14 Str Athletics (check) to increase your Dash bonus distance this round. One success = double Dash distance, two successes = triple it. At the end of this round, make a DC 14 Con (Athletics) check to avoid taking one level of fatigue temporarily (goes away next short rest).
Sprint 3: make Str (Athletics) checks of DC 10, 14, and 18 to increase Dash bonus distance up to quadruple if all succeed. Con check is DC 18.
Etc., etc.
To sprint as fast as a high school track star (15.9 mph = 139' per round), you'd need to pass all three checks on a Sprint 3 (giving you 150' movement). A Valor Bard might be able to do that pretty reliably. To run as fast as Usain Bolt (28 mph = 246' per round), you'd probably want to start off as a Mobile Wood Elf with 45' of movement and then Sprint 4, passing four checks at DC 10, 14, 18, 22 for a top speed of 270' per round, and then pass a DC 22 check to avoid fatigue.
The net effect is that a monster can hope to put on enough of a burst of speed to catch up and make an opportunity attack or two, but eventually fitness wins out. It makes combat less predictable.

Aura Kingdom Bard/Wiz Guide by superalimx


— Weapon
— Armor
— Accessories
— Trophies
— Sigil
— Costume
Envoy’s Path
Ultimate Skills


I am Muse (IGN). This is a guide on PvE Bard/Wiz. However, some of the information here benefits every class.

In this vast land of Aura Kingdom, Bards are not just heal bots. Bards are Soft Tank, CC, DPS, Buffer and Debuffer too. Don’t be fooled by the countless comments that overrate the usefulness of Sorcerer’s AoE Cleanse in PvE. The AoE Cleanse is not a “Must Have”.

Be a Soft Tanker. Be a Crowd Controller. Be an AoE DPS. Be a Buffer. Be a Debuffer. Be an Efficient Healer. Be an Effective Healer. Be a Bard/Wizard.


The 6 main stats are Damage, Critical Rate, Speed, HP, Defence and Evasion. There are also other stats such as Critical Damage, Accuracy, Heal, G-Healing, P-Healing, Movement Speed, Critical Damage Reduction and Reflect.

The 1st half of this part of the guide will explain the 6 main stats. The 2nd half of this part of the guide will explain the remaining stats.

Damage (DMG)
Adding 1 Damage Stat Point increases Damage Stat Bonus by 0.35%.
Adding Damage stat point increases the damage of Damage Over Time skill.
At level 50 with 0 point added to Damage. Refrain of Paradise dealt 1384 damage per tick to Hungry Flowertrap.
At level 50 with 1 point added to Damage. Refrain of Paradise dealt 1389 damage per tick to Hungry Flowertrap.

Adding Damage stat point does not increase the Heal Over Time heal amount.
At level 50 with 0 point added to Damage. Rock and Roll Ballad restored 2006 HP.
At level 50 with 1 point added to Damage. Rock and Roll Ballad restored 2006 HP.

Adding Damage also increases the Heal Amount for Heal Skill, Damage for Skill Attack and Damage for Normal Attack.
There is no Hard Cap for Damage Stat.

Critical Rate (CRIT)
Adding 1 Crit Stat Point increases Crit Stat Bonus by 0.25%.
Adding Crit stat point increases the Critical Rate. This includes Critical Rate for Normal Attack Damage, Skill Attack Damage, Skill Heal amount and Damage Over Time Damage.
From the above image, you can see that Damage Over Time can Crit.
However, Heal Over Time does not crit.

The Hard Cap for Crit is 100.00%.

Speed (SPD)
Adding 1 Speed Stat Point increases Speed Stat Bonus by 0.30%.
Adding Speed stat point shorten the interval between each tick for Damage Over Time.
At 9.82% Speed, the Refrain of Paradise tick every 1.0 second.
At 10.39% Speed, the Refrain of Paradise tick every 0.9 second.
At 30.24% Speed, the Refrain of Paradise tick every 0.8 second.

Adding Speed stat point shorten the interval between each tick for Heal Over Time.
At 9.82% Speed, the Rock and Roll Ballad tick every 1.0 second.
At 10.39% Speed, the Rock and Roll Ballad tick every 0.9 second.
At 30.08% Speed, the Rock and Roll Ballad tick every 0.8 second.

The lowest interval between each tick is 0.8 second.
Below 10.00% Speed, the tick interval is 1.0 second.
From 10.00% to 29.99% Speed, the tick interval is 0.9 second.
Above 30.00% Speed, the tick interval is 0.8 second.

Adding Speed stat point reduces the cast time of skills.
Healing Tones Cast at 9.82% Speed. 2.7 sec Cast Time. (At 0.00% Speed, it will be 3.0 second)
Healing Tones Cast at 50.00% Speed. 1.5 sec Cast Time. (As you can see from the yellow bar, I took the image 0.1 second late)

Adding Speed stat point reduces the Cool Down of skills.

List of Bard/Wiz CD, GCD and Cast Time.

What is GCD?
GCD is Global Cool Down. Global Cool Down is a type of Cool Down placed on all skills after the use of a skill. Different skills have different Global Cool Down. Global Cool Down is implemented to prevent continuous spam of skills.

Increasing Speed also reduces the Normal Attack Speed. The Cap for lowest Normal Attack Speed is said to be 0.5 second.
The Hard Cap for Speed is 50.00%.

Adding 1 HP Stat Point increases HP Stat Bonus by 0.58%.
Adding stat point into HP increases the Total Base HP Amount. Total Base HP includes Equipment HP. Increasing HP also increases the out of combat HP Regen. There is no Hard Cap for HP.

Defence (DEF)
Adding 1 Defence Stat Point increases Defence Stat Bonus by 0.20%.
Adding stat point into DEF increase the Base DEF Amount, which influences the DEF Damage Reduction Amount against Normal Monster, Elite Monster, Boss Monster and Player. There are 3 types of Damage Reduction.
DEF Damage Reduction : DEF Damage Reduction can only be obtained through the DEF stat. The hard cap for DEF Damage Reduction is 75.00%.
Additional Damage Reduction : The additional Damage Reduction can be obtained through equipment and costume. Additional Damage Reduction do not add on to the DEF Damage Reduction. It reduces the Damage Received that is already reduced by the DEF Damage Reduction. Additional Damage Reduction also includes Player Damage Reduction. The Hard Cap for Additional Damage Reduction is 75.00%
Static Damage Reduction : Static Damage Reduction reduces a fix amount of damage from the damage received that is already reduced by both DEF Damage Reduction and Additional Damage Reduction. There is no hard cap for Static Damage Reduction.

Evasion (EVA)
Adding 1 Evasion Stat Point increases Evasion Stat Bonus by 0.35%.
Adding stat point into evasion increases the Base EVA Amount, which influences the evasion rate against Normal Monster, Elite Monster, Boss Monster and Player. The Hard Cap for Evasion is 95.00%.

Other Stats

Critical Damage (CRIT DMG)
Increasing Critical Damage increases the damage dealt and heal amount when the damage or heal crit.
Critical Damage can be obtained through equipment, sigil, buff and envoy path.
The Hard Cap for Critical Damage is 300.00%.

Accuracy (ACC)
Increasing Accuracy increases the hit rate of Normal Attack and Skill Attack.
Accuracy can be obtained through equipment, sigil, buff and envoy path.

Movement Speed (MSPD)
Increasing the Movement Speed increases the speed your character moves.
Movement Speed can be obtained through equipment, buff and envoy path.
There is no Hard Cap for Movement Speed.

Critical Damage Reduction (CRIT DMG RED)
Increasing the Critical Damage Reduction reduces the Critical Damage received from Normal Monster, Elite Monster, Boss Monster and Player.
Critical Damage Reduction can be obtained through equipment, buff and envoy path.
There is no Hard Cap for Critical Damage Reduction.

Reflect (REF)
Increasing Reflect increases the amount of Damage dealt to Normal Monster, Elite Monster, and Boss Monster by reflect.
Reflect can be obtained through envoy path.
The Hard Cap for Reflect is 95.00%.

Heal % increases the Heal Amount of Heal Skill and Heal Over Time.
Rock and Roll Ballad restored 1844 HP with 148.00% Heal %.
Rock and Roll Ballad restored 2006 HP with 161.00% Heal %.

G-Healing (General Healing)
There are 2 types of G-Healing. G-Healing % and Static G-Healing.
G-Healing % can be obtained through Envoy Path and it stacks with Heal %.
G-Healing can be obtained through equipment.
G-Healing does not increase Heal Over Time Amount.
An addition of 182 G-Healing from Qulun’s Lucky Doubloon did not increase Heal Over Time Amount.

P-Healing (Personal Healing)
P-Healing increases the amount of heal received from Heal Skill. P-Healing does not increase Heal Over Time Amount Received.
P-Healing can be obtained through Envoy Path and Equipment.

There is no Hard Cap for Heal %, G-Healing %, G-Healing and P-Healing %.

Summary (Key Points for Bard)
+ Healing % increases the HoT and Heal Amount.
+ G-Healing % increases the HoT and Heal Amount.
G-Healing % Stacks with Healing %.
G-Healing % is Healing %.
+ G-Healing increases Heal Amount.
+ G-Healing does not increase Hot Amount.
G-Healing is not G-Healing %.
+ P-Healing % increases Heal Amount Received.
+ P-Healing % does not increase HoT Received.

DMG Stat Point increases Heal Amount.
DMG Stat Point does not increase HoT Amount.
DMG Stat increases Heal Amount.
DMG Stat does not increase HoT Amount.
DMG Stat from equipment is not the same as DMG Stat from Stat Point.

SPD Stat Point reduces the Cool Down.
SPD Stat Point reduces the Cast Time.
SPD Stat Point reduces the interval between each tick of HoT.
SPD Stat reduces the Cool Down.
SPD Stat reduces the Cast Time.
SPD Stat reduces the interval between each tick of HoT.
SPD Stat from equipment is the same as SPD Stat from Stat Point.
SPD Cap is 50.00%.
Shortest HoT Tick Interval is 0.8 sec.
30.00% SPD to reach Tick Interval of 0.8 sec.
10.00% SPD to reach Tick Interval of 0.9 sec.
Below 10.00% SPD is 1 sec Tick Interval.
SPD Stat does not reduce the Global Cool Down.
Most of the Heal Skills have different Global Cool Down.
50% SPD means that the Cool Down or Cast Time is reduced by 50%, which is Half.

CRIT Stat Point increases Critical Heal Rate.
CRIT Stat increases Critical Heal Rate.
CRIT Stat from equipment is the same as CRIT Stat Point.
Heal can crit.
HoT cannot crit.
CRIT Cap is 100.00%.
CRIT DMG increases Heal Amount.
CRIT DMG Cap is 300.00%.

Cap Speed first then move on to Crit.
Cap Defence first then move on to HP.


(To be updated in OB)

(To be updated in OB)

Leo Set
Leo Set provides a lot of HP. It is still good even after LV65.

LV48 Blue Set with +2 Ballad
(Image to be updated)
Increases the Ballad Skill level. Ballad is the main healing skill for Bard.

Qulun’s Lucky Doubloon

Pick Sigil with “HEAL is increase by 3%”.

Golden Storm Song Sigil
This Sigil increases Storm Song CRIT DMG by 15%. Your CRIT is still low even if you pick the Sigil with CRIT bonus. Hence, it is better to pick a Sigil with CRIT DMG bonus, so that more damage would be dealt when you crit Storm Song.

Golden Fire Bomb Sigil
This Sigil increases Fire Bomb CRIT DMG by 15%. Your CRIT is still low even if you pick the Sigil with CRIT bonus. Hence, it is better to pick a Sigil with CRIT DMG bonus, so that more damage would be dealt when you crit Fire Bomb.

Sunset Ambient Drone Sigil
This Sigil increases the range of Ambient Drone by 5 meters. This allows you to hit more targets with your larger AoE.

Use a random Sigil with “HEAL is increase by 3%”.

Emerald Blissful Harmony Sigil
This Sigil increases the Damage over Time status duration by 4 seconds.

Sunset Flame Meteor Sigil
This Sigil increases the range of Flame Meteor by 5 meters. This allows you to hit more targets with your larger AoE.

Azure Healing Harmony Sigil
This Sigil reduces the cool down of Healing Tones by 10%. This allows you to use Healing Harmony again earlier.
(This is not my typo error. The Aeria team made this typo.)

Azure Healing Tones Sigil
This Sigil decreases the cool down of Healing Harmony by 10%. This allows you to use Healing Tones again earlier.]
(This is not my typo error. The Aeria team made this typo.)

Hat with “HEAL +2%”

Clothing with “Damage Taken -2%”

Element on your weapon increases the damage of your skill that have the same element by 20%.
Recommended Element for Harp: Storm or Lightning
Recommended Element for Staff: Flame

Element on your armor increases the damage reduction by 25% for the same element skill damage received.
Recommended Element for Body: Flame

Envoy’s Path

LV60 Envoy’s Path
17 points spent. You got 3 more point to place in whatever you want. You can also take out any +Def or +HP that you deem as useless.

Heal +3%
Increase your heal %. Heal % affects all heal skill. This includes ballad.

Attack Swiftness
LV 1 – Attack Speed +0.5% and Skill Cooldown -0.5%
LV 2 – Attack Speed +1.0% and Skill Cooldown -1.0%
LV 3 – Attack Speed +2.0% and Skill Cooldown -2.0%
Reduces the cooldown of your skills. Able to use your heal skill quicker.

Fleet Footed
Move Speed +5%
Improve your mobility. More time to react to red carpet.

Muscle Up
LV 1 – Max HP +1%
LV 2 – Max HP +2%
LV 3 – Max HP +4%
Increases your HP pool. More HP to take damage. Improve your survivability.

Thick Skin
LV 1 – DEF +1%
LV 2 – DEF +2%
Increases your DEF. Improve your survivability.

Sonic Shield
Unlock Sonic Shield.

Energized Healing
DMG +10% for 20 seconds after healing yourself.
For additional DPS.

Efficient Immune System
Every time you are attacked there is a 35% chance that one negative status will be cured.
Remove a debuff from you and improve your survivability.

Quick Study
LV 1 – EXP Gained +2%
LV 2 – EXP Gained +4%
Increases the amount of EXP gained.

Do not get Sneak (Malice -50%). If the tank and DPS that are decently geared are doing their job well, you won’t be able to aggro most of the monster.

LV75 Envoy’s Path
24 points spent. You got 1 more point to place in whatever you want. You can also take out any +Def or +HP that you deem as useless.

Ultimate Skills

General Skills
Song of the Full Moon
This Ultimate add a -8% DEF debuff to Storm Song. The Green Version -10% DEF. Green Version can be purchased through the Master Bard Randell at Navae Military Hall.

Song of the Howling Wind
You can also use the +25% Accuracy Storm Song for PvP.

Attack Spec
More Speed to hit the cap. The Green Version can be obtained through Ultimate Skill Lucky Pack: Attack Spec or AT 3rd boss drop.

After you capped speed without using Focus, you can use Zeal for 10% chance to deal more damage. Transmac dmg to usb windows. The Green Version can be obtained through Attack Chest Box.

Advanced Skills
Rock and Roll Ballad
Ballad can be stacked 3 times. +9%/12% DEF is more beneficial at lower level as compared to +6%/+9% Damage.

Sad Love Song
If you got a DPS with at least 80k+ Damage, then feel free to use this.

Defense Spec
Iron Wall
More Defence to hit the cap.

If you can hit the Defence Cap without using Iron Wall, then use Courage for the extra HP and Received DMG Reduction.

Extreme Speed
You can also use Extreme Speed for the extra movement speed. This is useful for pulling monsters in instances.

Tactical Spec
Break Defense
Decrease the monster defence by 10%/15%. Useful against Bosses and Players with high Defence.

Special Skills
Sonic Healing
The description is wrong. Sonic Healing does not -20% DMG while casting. It increases the Static DMG Reduction by 20%.
LV50 Sonic Shield without Sonic Healing
LV50 Sonic Shield with Sonic Healing

The Best Defense
Additional Defence to hit the cap.

Additional Speed to hit the cap.
Both The Best Defense and Omniscience Green Version can be purchased from the Guild Merchant.


Song of the Full Moon (Storm Song)
-8% Normal Monster DEF
-8% Elite Monster DEF
-8% Boss Monster DEF
-8% Eidolon Spawn DEF
Useful against bosses. Please take note that it does not -8% DEF Reduction. It -8% for DEF value.
Some players claimed that on the Taiwan version the Eidolon Spawn and Player receive -10% instead of -8% DEF for Blue Version of Song of the Full Moon.

Blissful Harmony
Useful against any monster or player.
Refrain of Paradise dealt 257 damage without Sonic Shield
Refrain of Paradise dealt 257 damage with Sonic Shield
DoT can pierce through any Defence Reduction.

Healing Harmony
Main Single Target Heal.

Ambient Drone
AoE Stun. Useful at mobbing large group of monsters and cast interruption.

Main Heal Skill

Healing Tones
AoE Heal.

Healing Notes
Emergency Single Target Heal

30 mins Party Buff. Useful for pulling monsters in instances.

Skill Modifier and Element
Skill Modifier modifies the sum of your Base Damage and Skill Base Damage. This modified Damage is then used to calculate your Final Damage Dealt.


Titles give additional stats.

Miscellaneous Quests

Miscellaneous Quests2




Interesting Conversation

Interesting Conversation2


Rare Demon Beasts

Rare Demon Beasts2


Back Strike
Hitting the monster from the back deal extra 50% Damage.

Animation Cancelling
Pressing ESC or moving away before you finish casting can cancel the animation while the cast is still in effect.

Jump Cast
Jump Cast is used to escape Animation Lock. It allows the user to cast skills while moving. You can also change direction mid-air to dodge Boss Skills or what we called “Red Carpet”.


Cast Interruption
Cast Interruption can be used in both PvE and PvP. It is a technique which requires you to watch the target cast animation and stun them at the right timing. There is not really a need to time Stun for Normal and Elite monsters as these monsters do not receive Stun Immunity. In other words, it is a technique mainly used on Boss Monsters and Players.
When Boss Monsters use skill, there will be a cast animation.
Ex: GG 2nd Boss Linear AoE Stun Animation
The moment you see the cast animation, you cast your stun skill.
The boss is stunned before they can stun you. Please take note that Boss Monster and Player will receive Stun Immunity after being stunned. Boss Monster and Player would not be stunned if you try to stun them when they have the Stun Immunity Status.

How to calculate Stun Immunity Duration?
Stun Immunity Duration is the total of 30.0 sec + stun duration.
The stun duration of Ambient Drone is 3.0 sec. Hence, the Boss received a Stun Immunity of 33.0 sec.


Stack Exp Bonus and follow the main quest line.

Envoy’s Path
Quick Study 1

Quick Study 2
Both Quick Study passives increases not only monster EXP but quest rewards EXP too.

Blessed Set
+15 provides additional EXP Bonus.

Guild’s Blessing
LV 1 Guild – 1% Bonus to EXP
LV 2 Guild – 2% Bonus to EXP
LV 3 Guild – 3% Bonus to EXP
LV 4 Guild – 4% Bonus to EXP
LV 5 Guild – 5% Bonus to EXP

Party Bonus
You need to be on same map and in the same channel.

Drink Buff
Dragon Soul Energy Drink

Revitization Drink

Vitality Drink
(Purple) EVA +280 and Earned XP+4% for 3 hour

Longevity Drink
How to make a bootable dmg usb on windows.

Monster XP Book
The EXP given scales with your Character Level. The higher your Character Level, the more EXP you get from the book. Save them and spam it 1 level before the Cap Level.

EXP Party Trick
You receive EXP for your party member kill if you healed them while they are hitting the monster. Keep Ballad Buff Status on all your Grind Party Memebers. In a long run, you will receive way more EXP than not doing so. This is because the 4 other Party Members are bound to be hit by the monster sometime and you abuse this to gain additional EXP.


Heal Amount = (((Base Damage + Skill Base Heal Amount)*Skill Modifier)*(Healing% + P-Healing%)) + G-Healing

Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard 2

Heal Over Time Amount = (((Base Damage + Skill Base Heal Amount)*Skill Modifier)*Healing%)

Damaged Received/Dealt = ((Base Damage + Skill Base Damage)*Skill Modifier)*(1 + (Attacker +DMG) – (Defender DMG Reduction)*(1 + 0.5*(1 or 0 depending on back damage))) – Static Damage Reduction

Attacker +DMG = Sigil + Ultimate Skill + (Deep Blue, Special Ultimate Skill with different calculation method) + (Additional Damage towards Elite Monster/Boss Monster/Player) + Enchantment Card

Defender DMG Reduction = Costume DMG Reduction + Sigil + (Additional Damage Reduction towards Elite Monster/Boss Monster/Player) + Enchantment Card


Pick Merrilee or Grimm for starter Eidolon.
Additional Heal.

Additional damage.

The first choice for Main Eidolon is Sigrun. This is because Sigrun is the easiest to obtain and it provides high HP and Defence.

Tigerius Caesar
For the AoE party movement speed buff.

For the AoE cleanse (remove debuff).

Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard Download


Otherworld: Skandia
This instance is the only Equipment-Check for Founder’s Beta/Closed Beta/Stress Test Bard. Follow the red line to pull all the Tiny Bunnyhop from the entrance till the last boss and suicide. If you can pull all the Tiny Bunnyhop without using HP Potion and not dying in the middle of the pull, your equipment and build is fine.
After you suicided, all the Tiny Bunnyhop will rush to the entrance. You and all your remaining party members have to spam AoE and revive locally immediately after they died to continue the AoE Spam. If all 5 party members die at the same time, all the Tiny BunnyHop will run back to their actual position.
This is the most effective method to clear instances when you have no tank and the 4 DPS are squishy.