Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg

Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg Rating: 9,5/10 2435 reviews
  1. Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg List
  2. Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg System
  3. Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg 1

Weapon Affinity can make or break a build in Monster Hunter World, especially in the late game. A few of World’s systems could benefit from a bit more explaining, especially with the new influx of players from the PC release, so here’s how it works.

MH4U MH4U Heavy Bowgun (HBG) MegaThread. It's only a net loss of 12.5% dmg, nothing wrong with negative affinity if the rest of the gun makes up for it, same as. It seems every HBG user I come by seems to be a ♥♥♥♥ing force of nature even on PS4 (where I came from) they kill monsters with ease easily getting that damage dealer trophy at the end screen. As a hammer main everytime I see a HBG user I see damage but everytime I use the HBG it take me 25+ mins to kill a monster when on hammer it would take me 10-15 its possibly the ammo I use.

While your main character doesn’t level up or progress in Monster Hunter World in the traditional RPG sense, your progress is instead marked by the evolution of your gear. You’ll spend much of the game working towards new and better armor sets and shiny new upgrades for your weapon of choice – and a huge part of the latter is the concept of Affinity, a special stat relating to weapons and their use.

Affinity is a statistic that helps determine how much chance a weapon has to deal additional damage in Monster Hunter World. It’s really important to the meta of balance and has a larger impact on the tail end of the game and the high-end, high-rank hunts in particular. If you need more help with other complex bits of the game beyond Affinity we’ve got a full Monster Hunter World guide – check it out!

What is Affinity? How the Affinity stat works in Monster Hunter World

Affinity can be positive or negative – meaning that a weapon with negative affinity will actually be more likely to do ‘weak’ hits that have reduced damage. Meanwhile, a weapon with a high affinity stat will have a higher chance to do an extremely damaging critical hit – and in some instances and builds, crits can even be guaranteed in certain situations.

Every weapon in the game has its own unique Affinity statistic – these can be a neutral value of zero or can be positive or negative. Don’t write off all weapons with a negative affinity value – for there’s more to it than that.

A major part of balancing out your Affinity comes in the form of Armor Skills. Armor Skills are powerful abilities that are part of your armor pieces that you equip, and many of them can have an impact on your affinity. Carefully balancing out armor against your choice of weapon can lead to a powerful build, such as how in many previous Monster Hunter games a combination of a Greatsword with the Focus and Crit Draw skills would lead to a near unstoppable damage output.

We’ve got a full list of Armor Skills on our Armor Guide page, but for the record these are the ones we’ve found so far that increase your affinity:

  • Affinity Sliding is a quickly little one, increasing your affinity for a short time after you perform a slide.
  • Attack Boost raises your affinity at higher levels while also increasing your attack power.
  • Critical Draw increases the likelihood that draw attacks will land a critical hit.
  • Critical Eye is a flat-out boost to your affinity, and a fairly significant one.

Warning, a lot of numbers incoming, if you have phobia to mathematics or to numbers, I recommend you to GitGud so you know wich weapon/set is better.

Types of Bullets


Dont think that a higher level means more dmg. For LBG and HBG, this is a key to know, and dont expect the higher level to be the strongest one.


Used for monsters with really small weakspots. This shot fires a single bullet to the enemy that causes dmg (and spreads out more bullets in Lvl3). Level 3 in terms of monsters desings and usage is trash, and Level 1 is obviously trash.




Level3=10 x n*(Max of hits are 4times)


The most used Bullet Type in terms of DPS TA. You use it on monsters that have medium-large weakspots. In Gen and XX Pierce2 is trash, having almost the same MVs as Pierce1.


Level1=9x3 (27)

Level2=7x4 (28)

Level3=7x5 (35)


A lot of bullets are fired. In Multi this is not a really recomended thing. In Gen, theres good TAs with PelletGuns, but in XX no, so I dont recommend it in XX.


Level1=5x3 (15)

Level2=5x4 (20)

Level3=5x5 (25)


Deals FixedDmg, not really used in XX since theres better options like Pierce or Normal guns.

MotionValues and AmmoType:


Lvl1= 3 + fix25 + fire30 stun:25 stamina:10

Lvl2= 3 + fix30 + fire45 stun:30 stamina:10

Lvl3= 3 + fix40 + fire60 stun:40 stamina:10


Lvl1= 6 + fix25 + fire 2 x 3

Lvl2= 6 + fix25 + fire 2 x 4

Lvl3= 6 + fix25 + fire 2 x 5

Cannon S:

Lvl1= 5 + fix30 stun:10

Lvl2= 7 + fix49 stun:15

Blast S:

Lvl1= 10 + Blast25

Lvl2= 16 + Blast50

Triblast= 3 + fix25 + fire30 stun:25 x 3


Elemental Ammo thats really useful against monsters with bad hitzones and good elemental hitzones (Aka weaker to Element than Raw).



Lvl1= raw7 + ele45

Lvl2= raw7 + ele50


Lvl1= raw2 + ele20 x 3

Lvl2= raw3 + ele25 x 4

Dragon S:

Lvl1= raw1 + ele40 x 5

Lvl2= raw1 + ele48 x 5



Lvl1= 30

Lvl2= 50


Lvl1= raw0 + status25

Lvl2= raw0 + status50


Lvl1= raw10 + status25

Lvl2= raw10 + status50


Lvl1= raw15 stun: 15 + stamina: 35

Lvl2= raw20 stun: 20 + stamina: 70


Lvl1= 1 + (8 x 3)

Lvl2= 1 + (8 x 5)

Shrapnel= 1 + 8 x 3

Sting S= 14 (100% aff on Weakspot)

Force S:

Lvl1= 15

Lvl2= 18

Longs S:

Lvl1= 15

Lvl2= 18

Heavy S: (x2 at Crit Distance)

Lvl1= 9

Lvl2= 12

Dazzling S= 35

Stone S= 10

WyvernFire= fix25 + fire35 x 2


Dmg glass


Every RapidShot has his own modifier. They give a boost to the rapid fire shots and deals more dmg. Some of them have Recoil, and Recoil+n skills dont work on RapidFire recoil.

()BonusShot modifier


Lvl2 Normal .8 (.7)

Lvl1 Pierce .7

Lvl2 Pierce .7

Lvl1 Pellet .7

Lvl2 Pellet .7


Lvl2 single .7

Lvl1 pierce .7

Lvl2 pierce .7

Lvl1 DragonS .8

Lvl2 DragonS .8

Misc Shots:

Crag .7

StrongS .7

SnipingS .7

HeavyS .7

LaserS .7

StoneS .8

DungS .7 (Yeah, DungS has RapidFire..)


Sleep Lvl1/2 0 100%status

Para/Poison Lvl1/2 .7 100%status


Calculate Damage


TrueRaw x Range x ShotType x MonsterHitzone x RankDefMod x RapidFireMod x Affinity x ShotTypeUp = PewPewDPS~


SilverWind LBG with RO against G rank DreadKing Rathalos.

Silverwind LBG has 310 attack with 40%Aff.

The set has:

~ShotBooster (increases CritDistance)

~PierceUp (Increases PierceDamage)

Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg List

~RepeatOffender (30%aff)

~CriticalBoost (1.5Crit instead of 1.25)

~CriticalEye3 (30%aff)

Dreadqueen Rathian with back broken has .45 and his Defense modifier (Super one) is .70.

Formula would look like these

310 x 1.5 x .27 x .45 x .70 x .7 x 1.5 x 1.1 = 45.67

45.57hp per hit of volley. All numbers round down so its only 45.57 x 3

Cool, you just did 137hp


TrueRaw x EleAmmoType x RapidEleMod x MonsterEleHitzone x RankDefMod


Lets take PrincessParasol LBG against G Rank Plesioth

PrincessParasol has 320Raw and no aff (Affinity does not affect Ele unless you use CritEle) with the next set

~ThunderAttack2 (8 points of ele)

~TrueShotUp (20% dmg to intern shots)

~BonusShot (Extra shot to rapid fire)

~EleAttackUp (4 points of all ele)

~AuM (20 points of attack)

So formula would end like these:

340 x 1.0(dont use Raw) x .7 x .20(We cant hit all the time .25 hitzone, and most of the time we hit the belly) x .80 = 38.08 x 1.2 (True ShotUp skill) = 46.56

With Bonus shot you fire 4 times, so 38.08 x 4 = 186.24

Cool, now you did 186hp :3



Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg System

This is the key to become good at LBG. AdeptLBG is the most used style for LBG and the hardest part to master this weapon.

If you do it well, you would be able to be more aggresive than before. And you should be able to cut your times at like 1/3 (Adept is only good if the monster attacks, for extremely slow monsters like Nakarkos or LaoShanLung is better to use Striker).

To do it. You need to have your Bowguns on Option1, you use the camera controls to aim vertically and the circle pad to aim horizontal aiming patterns suck as left or right.

What you do is:


2.-Aim your circle pad at where the monster is/will be

3.-Aim your camera up or down

4.-Snap the camera around with L at the reload and start firing



Mh4u Hbg Affinity Or Dmg 1

Tips and videos for help

~You can shot/aim fast if you move to the direction you want to fire, press L and fire. That would end the turn around animation and save time and maybe save your life

~Practice, thats an old but the best tip to master something. Practice

~Watch Videos of TAs with LBG like

Imitating is the first phase to learn something, later, you obtain your own style.

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